Exigo Web Service

Exigo Web Service Reference

The Exigo Web Service gives you read and write access to your data via traditional SOAP-based requests and responses.

API Contexts

Class Description
ExigoApi Creates an authenticated context used for all Exigo web service calls


Adds items to an existing web category
Adjusts the inventory of an item in a warehouse
Authenticates a customer's login name and password
Authenticates an Exigo admin user's login name and password
Pre-authorizes a credit card for supported merchants
Pre-authorizes a credit card saved to a customer's account for supported merchants
Calculates the details of an order and returns ship methods.
Cancels an existing auto order.
Changes the status of an existing order.
Changes the status of multiple existing orders.
Attempts to charge a card token with the amount found on an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Attempts to charge a card token on file with the amount found on an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Attempts to charge a prior authorization with the amount found on an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Attempts to debit a wallet account with the amount found on an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Attempts to debit a wallet account on file with the amount found on an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Create a new auto order template for an existing customer or a new customer as part of a transaction
Creates a new bill.
Creates a new calendar item.
Creates a new customer.
Create an adjustment for a customer's account in a currency.
Creates a new customer contact.
Creates a new customer extended record.
Creates a file for the customer in their default directory.
Creates a customer history record.
Creates a new customer lead.
Create new wall item in CustomerWall table.
Creates an email.
Creates an email template.
Creates a new expected payment of type Bank Wire.
Creates a new expected payment type using cash, money order etc.
Creates an item
Creates a mail folder.
Creates a new order for an existing customer.
Imports a new order for an existing customer.
Creates a new payment type using cash, money order etc.
Creates a specific credit card payment for an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Creates a new payment for wallet account.
Creates a new payout for one or more bills and updates their statuses.
Create a transaction that adjusts or redeems points from a customer's point account.
Creates a new VendorBill for a customer on file.
Creates a new product web category.
Attempts to debit a bank account with the amount found on an exiting order, or a new order in a transaction.
Attempts to debit a bank account on file with the amount found on an exiting order, or a new order in a transaction.
Deletes a calendar item.
Deletes a customer contact.
Deletes a customer lead.
Delete wall item(s) from CustomerWall table.
Permanently deletes an email.
Deletes an email template.
Deletes a mail folder.
Deletes a product from a web category.
Delete a customer's override.
Deletes a web category.
'Pop' the oldest 100 customer events off the event queue.
Deletes all emails from a folder.
Ensures all the basic mail folders exist.
Fires an email responder to customer or order email address on file.
Returns direct deposit info for an existing customer.
Returns any auto orders for a given customer.
Returns the currently configured placement preference for new placements under a customer.
Gets languages list available to the company.
Gets a list of company news descriptions.
Gets company news details.
Returns countries setup for company as well as the regions for a single country requested.
Returns the sum of orders, payments, and adjustments per currency.
Returns billing accounts on file for a customer.
Returns extended properties setup for a customer.
Gets a list of customer leads.
Returns a list of social network(s) for the customer lead.
Returns one or more customers that match the filter critera passed in.
Returns the public web site info setup for a customer.
Returns a list of social network(s) for the customer.
Get wall item(s) from CustomerWall table.
Returns a custom report in DataSet format.
Gets nodes in a downline.
Gets an email attachment.
Returns item, country and region properties along with taxings for an item.
Returns price, volume, and description for one or more item codes.
Deprecated (use AuthenticateCustomer instead)
Gets a customer's authenticated session ID.
Returns one or more orders.
Returns the totals of accepted orders within a date range.
Gets payment record(s) for a customer or order.
Get the balance of a point account for a customer.
Gets a customer's overrides
Returns rank qualification report card.
Returns realtime commission detail for a customer/bonus.
Returns realtime commissions available for open periods.
Deprecated (use GetCustomReport instead)
Returns a custom report in DataSet format.
Gets a generic session string for a unique sessionID.
Deprecated (use CalculateOrder instead)
Gets ship methods for a specified warehouse and currency code.
Gets a existing shopping cart session.
Get the subscription account for a customer.
Gets nodes in an upline.
Returns permissions associated with the Exigo Admin user.
Returns volume records.
Gets a list of warehouses setup in the system.
Deprecated (use AuthenticateCustomer instead)
Logs a customer into an Exigo backoffice
Merges order, payments and auto order data from two customers.
Moves an email to a different folder.
Opts out all customers and customer contacts with specified email from receiving broadcast emails.
Inserts/Moves a customer within the binary tree.
Inserts/Moves a customer within the enroller tree.
Inserts/Moves a customer within the matrix tree.
Inserts/Moves a customer within the stack tree.
Inserts/Moves a customer within the unilevel (sponsor) tree.
Commits multiple requests in one step.
Sends an SMS message.
Setup bank account on file an existing customer, or new customer in a transaction.
Setup primary or secondary credit card token on file for an existing customer, or new customer in a transaction.
Setup direct deposit info for an existing customer, or new customer in a transaction.
Setup primary or secondary wallet account on file for an existing customer, or new customer in a transaction.
Sets the placement preference for new placements under a customer.
Deletes all existing social network(s) for the customer lead, then inserts the provided list of social network(s) for the customer lead.
Setup public website info for an existing customer, or new customer in a transaction.
Setup public web site image for an existing customer.
Deletes all existing social network(s) for the customer, then inserts the provided list of social network(s) for the customer.
Sets country/region info for an item.
Sets pricing info for an item.
Sets warehouse info for an item.
Create or edit a customer's override.
Sets a generic session string for a unique sessionID.
Updates calendar item information.
Updates one or more fields on an existing customer.
Updates customer contact information.
Updates one customer extended record.
Updates a customer lead.
Updates email's status.
Updates an email template.
Updates an item.
Updates a mail folder.
Updates one or more fields on an existing order.
Updates web category information.
Validates business rules.
Verifies and cleans up US addresses.