Exigo Developer Resources

This database contains the documentation for Exigo's OData API's, as well as C# sample code and fully-realized demo applications ready to be customized for your needs. Start building downline viewers, reporting tools and shopping carts on the Exigo platform today!

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Customer Wall


The customer wall displays customer's downline's events that have occurred based on custom commission engine triggers, such as someone's rank changing or a new enrollment.


This sample requires the following namespaces:

using ExigoOData;
using System.Data.Services.Client;
using System.Text;

Exigo API Authentication

This sample accesses OData using the ExigoContext object:

    public ExigoContext Exigo
            var context = new ExigoOData.ExigoContext(new Uri("http://api.exigo.com/4.0/" + exigoAPICompany + "/model"));
            context.IgnoreMissingProperties = true;
            var credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(exigoAPILoginName + ":" + exigoAPIPassword));
            context.SendingRequest +=
                (object s, SendingRequestEventArgs e) =>
                    e.RequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + credentials);
            return context;

Client-Side Events

Links can be generated around key pieces of information in your events, such as customer ID's and names. These client-side links will use onClick events to call a javascript function that should accept a unique identifier for it's context. This sample contains links that call a javascript function called "c", which accepts a variable "id" representing the customer's ID:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function c(id) {
        alert("You clicked customer ID " + id);

Fetching Customer Wall Details

To fetch customer wall details, use the OData's CustomerWall query:

        return (from c in Exigo.CustomerWall
                where c.CustomerID == customerID
                orderby c.WallItemID descending
                select new WallItem()
                    CustomerID = c.CustomerID,
                    EntryDate = c.EntryDate,
                    Text = c.Text,
                    Field1 = c.Field1,
                    Field2 = c.Field2